Chaos of the heart - embracing what is
Teacher: Mia Lehndal
Price: 500 SEK (+ VAT for companies, if you want a company invoice, you need to let us know when you register).
About the event
To be human is a never-ending adventure. Everything we encounter is triggering different emotions in us. This is completely natural and the more sensitive we are, the more we are touched by the richness of life in its full glory. With all the joy, pleasure, pain, and confusion that it contains.
Forget about pursuing happiness somewhere in the future. Welcome to enjoy what is - it does not get any better than this. This is the life you are given, moment by moment. Take it or leave it. Take it by meeting it fully as it is. Leave it by constantly trying to get somewhere else and miss out on the whole gift. Let's look deeper into the apparent paradox of living our passion and desires and being content with what is. In the depth of human experience, the paradox dissolves into a deep sense of peace and gratitude that guides us home to our hearts and out in the world simultaneously.
Many spiritual paths are suggesting or indicating that there are higher or better states of being where we are not supposed to feel touched by the emotional oscillations of life, that we shall detach from or observe them to become free from them. These kinds of dualistic methods can easily turn in to a way of trying to control our experience which prevents us from experiencing life fully as it is.
The tantric and somatic path is moving away from the duality of good and bad states of being and is guiding us into the non-dual natural awareness that we already are. That is often overlooked because we are too busy trying to get somewhere else. The treasure is always here, always now.
Join us this evening to feel into what is and meet yourself deeply. As an invitation to love yourself deeply. To love life deeply. No matter how it is presenting itself in this very moment.
We will start with a soft Body Love Tantra Yoga practice to help us feel into our bodies. Then we will together explore what is happening in our emotional bodies moment by moment. To invite the unconditional yes to life that is inherent in the deep intelligence of our bodies. You don’t need to share any details about your private life to be able to participate, we are going to inquire into the emotions as they are expressing themselves as physical sensations. However, if you have personal questions there will be space to bring them up.
This evening is part of a Tantayoga & Workshop program that you can sign up for. Every Wednesday until December 8. More info here
NOTE : This workshop will be in English if requested, otherwise in Swedish