Upcoming events

Somatic & Tantric Meditation Teacher Training
to Feb 2

Somatic & Tantric Meditation Teacher Training

To be able to teach tantric meditation we first need to learn the basics of somatic meditation. So while the essence of tantra is not sex but meditation we still need to take into account our sexual nature. This training is including how to move from the basis of somatic meditation into more sensual and sexual aspects of meditation.

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Coacha par - kontakt & intimitet
to Feb 20

Coacha par - kontakt & intimitet

Är du coach eller terapeut och vill specialinrikta dig på att möta par? Då är det här utbildningen för dig.

Det här är en fördjupningskurs för dig som redan möter enskilda men vill fördjupa dig i det som är specifikt för par och relationscoaching. Du kan också gå utbildningen bara av eget intresse, ensam eller med din partner, utan att ha någon ambition att jobba inom området.

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Modigt Ledarskap
to Mar 13

Modigt Ledarskap

OBS! Alla 3 blocken ingår i utbildningen som sträcker sig över 3 månader.

Coachutbildningen för dig som är redo att gå djupare.

Utbilda dig till diplomerad coach samtidigt som du får en lagom utmanande ledarskapsutbildning. Efter utbildningen kan du ansöka om internationell certifiering hos International Coaching Federation.

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Tantra för par
to Mar 23

Tantra för par

Välkommen till en upptäckresa i kärlekens tecken. En hjärtöppnande, mjuknande, intim resa tillsammans med någon du tycker mycket om. Parvis anmälan.

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Body Love Tantra Retreat Ängsbacka
to Apr 13

Body Love Tantra Retreat Ängsbacka

A deepening into love & intimacy. An invitation to feel the love that you are. Alone and together.

This retreat is an inquiry into the universal love that is lingering within all of us. Often below the surface, often a bit hidden only shining through in our brightest moments. What if it is there all the time? We might just be too busy to notice...

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Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat
to May 18

Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat

The path to deep self-love and love beyond the self goes through intimacy with the body. In order to feel genuine and deep love for ourselves and others, we need a continuous embodied relationship to our bodies. We need to learn to love and embrace them just as they are in every moment. We also need to consciously give them attention and love so that they can keep being vibrantly alive throughout our whole lives.

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Tantra Retreat för par
to Jun 29

Tantra Retreat för par

In this retreat you will, together with your partner, explore how this universal love can be a vessel for your physical and non-physical love making and for your verbal and non-verbal communication. It starts with you primarily meeting yourself and secondarily meeting your partner. Because when you are deeply connected with yourself you have more to give. And not from a position of pleasing or pure lust, but from the deep being that you are, from love and abundance.

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Body Love Tantra Retreat
to Jul 27

Body Love Tantra Retreat

A deepening into love & intimacy. An invitation to feel the love that you are. Alone and together.

This retreat is an inquiry into the universal love that is lingering within all of us. Often below the surface, often a bit hidden only shining through in our brightest moments. What if it is there all the time? We might just be too busy to notice...

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Body Love Yoga Lärarutbildning
to Aug 24

Body Love Yoga Lärarutbildning

Vill du bidra till att ge fler människor den fantastiska upplevelse som Body Love Yogan är?

Efterfrågan på Body Love Yoga är större än jag ensam har möjlighet att möta an. Jag åker ibland till olika städer för att undervisa men jag räcker inte till för fler resor. Därför finns nu en lärarutbildning. Visionen är att Body Love Yogan ska kunna erbjudas både i större städer och på mindre orter i Sverige i första hand.

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Deepening Tantra Retreat
to Oct 5

Deepening Tantra Retreat

As in previous tantra retreats I ask for your trust to guide you moment by moment without giving you too much details about what we are going to do beforehand. It is an invitation to let life unfold as it is and trust the guidance that will be given to us during this retreat. You will recognize the safe, loving and respectful atmosphere that we create together from previous retreats.

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Body Coaching
to Oct 16

Body Coaching

I Body Coaching fördjupar vi det coachande samtalet genom att tala direkt med kroppen. Grundprincipen är den samma som i ett vanligt coaching samtal, vi ställer frågor som bjuder in mottagaren att hitta sina egna svar. Skillnaden i den här kursen är att vi ställer frågorna direkt till mottagarens kropp. Hur det går till? Ja det är precis det vi kommer att visa och öva på.

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Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat
to Nov 9

Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat

The path to deep self-love and love beyond the self goes through intimacy with the body. In order to feel genuine and deep love for ourselves and others, we need a continuous embodied relationship to our bodies. We need to learn to love and embrace them just as they are in every moment. We also need to consciously give them attention and love so that they can keep being vibrantly alive throughout our whole lives.

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Body Love Yoga Retreat Goa
to Nov 26

Body Love Yoga Retreat Goa

This is an invitation to deeply feel the universal love and peace that you are. The yoga practice is used to bring your sense of separateness into a deeper, nourishing experience of wholeness. You will learn to access and embody the unconditional presence of the love that is the core of human nature.

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Relax into intimacy - tantric evening in Oslo
to Nov 6

Relax into intimacy - tantric evening in Oslo

The need for human connection is as natural as it is important. It is also very challenged for many of us since we live in a culture that does not support us to be autentic and open in meetings with other people. And in a society where human touch and intimacy has come to be associated with crossing of boundaries, abuse and a lot of confusion. Come and enjoy meeting yourself though others in a safe space.

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Body Love Tantrayoga

Body Love Tantrayoga

Body Love Tantra Yoga uses movement and stillness to develop neuromuscular pathways of love. These pathways are developed in movement by softening the sensations that reveal the vulnerable presence of the joints. They are refined in stillness by minimizing the muscular effort necessary to stabilize the body. The ongoing sensitivity this requires is a direct, concrete expression of love.

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Relax into intimacy - tantric evening in Stockholm

Relax into intimacy - tantric evening in Stockholm

The need for human connection is as natural as it is important. It is also very challenged for many of us since we live in a culture that does not support us to be autentic and open in meetings with other people. And in a society where human touch and intimacy has come to be associated with crossing of boundaries, abuse and a lot of confusion. Come and enjoy meeting yourself though others in a safe space.

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Godfrey Devereux in Sweden
to Sep 15

Godfrey Devereux in Sweden

Godfrey has been facilitating somatic, cognitive and awareness training for almost forty years. Unintimidated by any ideologies, he has undertaken a deep exploration of the subtle nature of the human body as a localisation of consciousness. A master of the art of communication his teaching is both direct and powerful in its subtlety and simplicity. One of his great gifts is to able to create a dynamic, safe space within which people can feel, acknowledge and honour themselves as they actually are.

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Body Love Tantra Yogaretreat
to Aug 25

Body Love Tantra Yogaretreat

The path to deep self-love and love beyond the self goes through intimacy with the body. In order to feel genuine and deep love for ourselves and others, we need a continuous embodied relationship to our bodies. We need to learn to love and embrace them just as they are in every moment. We also need to consciously give them attention and love so that they can keep being vibrantly alive throughout our whole lives.

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Slow Tantric Speed Dating

Slow Tantric Speed Dating

Take your time to feel yourself first, then you might want to open up to others, on your own terms. Looking, feeling, moving, dancing, maybe touching. Allowing for your mind to relax and become intimate with your body so that you can feel your way to what you appreciate rather than think about it. Take this rare opportunity to meet without words and feel the essence of yourself and others. Talking will be allowed only within the instructions, the rest is in silence.

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Body Love Tantra Retreat
to Apr 21

Body Love Tantra Retreat

A deepening into love & intimacy. An invitation to feel the love that you are. Alone and together.

This retreat is an inquiry into the universal love that is lingering within all of us. Often below the surface, often a bit hidden only shining through in our brightest moments. What if it is there all the time? We might just be too busy to notice...

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Body Love Yoga & Meditation

Body Love Yoga & Meditation

Body Love Yoga är en meditativ form av yoga med fokus på avslappning i rörelse. Vi guidar kroppen tillbaka till sitt naturliga rörelsemönster där den så småningom kan uttrycka sitt autentiska ansträngningslösa flöde. Kombinationen av djup avslappning och väckande av slumrande muskler som behöver aktiveras för en sund balans i kroppen balanserar yin och yang och ger dig tillgång till mer av din inneboende kapacitet. Både på yogamattan o i livet som helhet.

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Body Love Tantra Retreat Ängsbacka
to Oct 8

Body Love Tantra Retreat Ängsbacka

A deepening into love & intimacy. An invitation to feel the love that you are. Alone and together.

This retreat is an inquiry into the universal love that is lingering within all of us. Often below the surface, often a bit hidden only shining through in our brightest moments. What if it is there all the time? We might just be too busy to notice...

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Tantrayoga & Tantric Meditation

Tantrayoga & Tantric Meditation

This evening will guide you into getting in touch with yourself on a deeper level than that you might have access to in your everyday life. Feeling subtle sensations within our bodies has the potential to make us feel touched by our own beings as the universal love that we most deeply are.

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Somatic Communication & Embodied Relating

Somatic Communication & Embodied Relating

So many words and thoughts, so many perspectives and theories. We are struggling to find the way in a world full of advice on how to communicate, understand, and be understood. The deep meetings that we are actually longing for are often closer than we think. But we tend to take detours and our sophisticated intelligence is often making communication with ourselves and others unnecessarily difficult.

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Body Love Tantra Retreat
to May 7

Body Love Tantra Retreat

A deepening into love & intimacy. An invitation to feel the love that you are. Alone and together.

This retreat is an inquiry into the universal love that is lingering within all of us. Often below the surface, often a bit hidden only shining through in our brightest moments. What if it is there all the time? We might just be too busy to notice...

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Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat
to Apr 23

Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat

The path to deep self-love and love beyond the self goes through intimacy with the body. In order to feel genuine and deep love for ourselves and others, we need a continuous embodied relationship to our bodies. We need to learn to love and embrace them just as they are in every moment. We also need to consciously give them attention and love so that they can keep being vibrantly alive throughout our whole lives.

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Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat
to Feb 5

Tantric Selflove Yogaretreat

The path to deep self-love and love beyond the self goes through intimacy with the body. In order to feel genuine and deep love for ourselves and others, we need a continuous embodied relationship to our bodies. We need to learn to love and embrace them just as they are in every moment. We also need to consciously give them attention and love so that they can keep being vibrantly alive throughout our whole lives.

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Mysyoga med Mia
to Feb 8

Mysyoga med Mia

Välkommen att söndagsmysa med mig på yogamattan.

Boka in dig så får du inspelningen från den 8 januari som du kan använda hur många gånger du vill till den 8 februari.

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Body Love Yoga Retreat
to Nov 13

Body Love Yoga Retreat

Body Love Yoga is a tantric form of yoga in the sense that it supports and guides us into feeling ourselves in the depths of our being. It is meditation and relaxation in movement.

During the week-end you will learn a yoga sequence that you can take home for self-practise.

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Tantric living - an introduction to tantra

Tantric living - an introduction to tantra

How can tantra enrich you life?

This evening will guide you into getting in touch with yourself on a deeper level than that you might have access to in your everyday life. Feeling subtle sensations within our bodies has the potential to make us feel touched by our own beings as the universal love that we most deeply are.

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Body Love Tantra Yoga Stockholm

Body Love Tantra Yoga Stockholm

Body Love Yoga är en tantrisk yogaform i bemärkelsen att den stödjer och guidar oss att känna oss själva på djupet av vår varelse. De klasser som benämns tantrayoga har ett tydligare fokus på den sexuella aspekten av att känna oss själva på djupet, dock helt utan sexuell aktivitet.

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Body Coaching
to Sep 11

Body Coaching

I Body Coaching fördjupar vi det coachande samtalet genom att tala direkt med kroppen. Grundprincipen är den samma som i ett vanligt coaching samtal, vi ställer frågor som bjuder in mottagaren att hitta sina egna svar. Skillnaden i den här kursen är att vi ställer frågorna direkt till mottagarens kropp. Hur det går till? Ja det är precis det vi kommer att visa och öva på.

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Body Love Tantra Yoga Retreat
to Aug 28

Body Love Tantra Yoga Retreat

In the classes that are named Tantra Yoga there is more emphasis on feeling into the pleasure nature of our bodies. Body Love Tantra Yoga is an individual practice that allows us to experience the subtleties of all sensations within, including sensuality and sexuality.

During the week-end you will learn a yoga sequence that you can take home for self-practise.

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Body Love Yoga Retreat
to May 15

Body Love Yoga Retreat

Body Love Yoga is a tantric form of yoga in the sense that it supports and guides us into feeling ourselves in the depths of our being. It is meditation and relaxation in movement.

During the week-end you will learn a yoga sequence that you can take home for self-practise.

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Body Love Tantra Retreat
to Apr 10

Body Love Tantra Retreat

A deepening into love & intimacy. An invitation to feel the love that you are. Alone and together.

This retreat is an inquiry into the universal love that is lingering within all of us. Often below the surface, often a bit hidden only shining through in our brightest moments. What if it is there all the time? We might just be too busy to notice...

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Body Love Tantra Yoga Stockholm

Body Love Tantra Yoga Stockholm

Body Love Yoga är en tantrisk yogaform i bemärkelsen att den stödjer och guidar oss att känna oss själva på djupet av vår varelse. De klasser som benämns tantrayoga har ett tydligare fokus på den sexuella aspekten av att känna oss själva på djupet, dock helt utan sexuell aktivitet.

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Body Love Tantra Yoga Retreat
to Jan 30

Body Love Tantra Yoga Retreat

In the classes that are named Tantra Yoga there is more emphasis on feeling into the pleasure nature of our bodies. Body Love Tantra Yoga is an individual practice that allows us to experience the subtleties of all sensations within, including sensuality and sexuality.

During the week-end you will learn a yoga sequence that you can take home for self-practise.

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Body Love Yoga Online
to Jan 31

Body Love Yoga Online

Börja det nya året med en ny vana. Body Love Yoga varje dag eller flera gånger i veckan gör underverk för kropp, känsloliv och sinne.

Bjud med en vän och få 2 kurser till priset av 1. Att göra det tillsammmans med någon ger ofta mer motivation.

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Body Love Yoga Online
to Jan 31

Body Love Yoga Online

Börja det nya året med en ny vana. Body Love Yoga varje dag eller flera gånger i veckan gör underverk för kropp, känsloliv och sinne.

Köp kursen nu och du har tillgång till den under hela 2023

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Chaos of the heart - embracing what is

Chaos of the heart - embracing what is

To be human is a never-ending adventure. Everything we encounter is triggering different emotions in us. This is completely natural and the more sensitive we are, the more we are touched by the richness of life in its full glory. With all the joy, pleasure, pain, and confusion that it contains.

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Yoniäggsyoga & kvinnlig sexualitet

Yoniäggsyoga & kvinnlig sexualitet

Tema: Menscykeln

Låt oss samlas i systraskap denna kväll för att medvetandegöra hur vår s€xualitet kan vara en katalysator för livet och för våra relationer. Låt oss hedra vårt allra heligaste och djupaste inre rum där allt liv börjar.

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